I've also added Donna Downey's button to my sidebar--she's also got some really inspired scrapbook and art ideas! Click there for some great ideas as well!
As for a couple other resolutions in the works, here are a couple I've come up with:
- Exercise--JUST DO IT (hey, if Nike can...) I think I'll start with 1 sit-up and 1 push-up on Jan. 1st, and increase by 1 of each every day! Sounds kind of fun, doesn't it?! I may also start by jump roping 1 jump for each day. Are you getting the picture? I NEED A GIMMICK TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
- Meals--DIVERSIFY. The same 8-10 meals tend to rotate their way through our monthly selections, and our friend the CHICKEN tends to play the staring role in most of these. I want to branch out a bit, and incorporate 1 meal a month that is completely unique, and quite possibly from another country. I'm counting on all you food bloggers for my ideas, don't let me down!
- Organize--DON'T LAUGH. Although to many I already appear fairly organized, I WANT MORE! I am going to finish organizing my magazine files and craft room THIS YEAR! I find great pleasure in organizing--sick and twisted, possibly, but I just love the overall look of "a place for everything, and everything in its place"!
- Craft--MORE! I would love to try my hand at beginning a business of selling things crafty-organizy-educationy (the later two not actually being words...) This is the stuff that really makes me happy, and what's more fun than being happy??!